Sunday, March 8, 2009


March is a month of birthdays. A couple aunts, some cousins, and my brother (who's turning 18, congrats!) all have birthdays this month. My baby boy Buggid was also born sometime in the first couple weeks of March so he is now 1! I can't even begin to express how much I love this stinkin cat. Anyhow, today is also a big Muslim holiday, Eid Al Mouloud, where we celebrate the birth of the prophet. This holiday resonates with me a bit differently than most, for last year on this holiday I kinda got attacked by a pack of dogs. So this morning I walked the other direction, the safe direction, 6k to souq, and reflected on how much has changed since this holiday last year. Lhamdullah I was not attacked by dogs today, but the walk was lovely-a rare gorgeous day, though winter is still far from over. Today I was abundantly grateful for the sun, my eyesight and this country. I am overwhelmed by how much this country has influenced me, and for the better I hope.

4 days until Europe…

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